Thursday, 17 August 2017

New fall dates for Engine 86

Photo by Richard Gilmore
It's been a while but it's been a busy summer on the rails for all the boys, however we are happy to announce two upcoming shows this fall. Our annual end of summer party this September 9th at the St Regis Tavern is a day before our exalted leader's birthday which means as always, there'll be cake! Chiefy will accept all gifts (as long as they are all cold bottles of 50!)

Another show just confirmed will be at the Richmond Tavern on Saturday November 25th for a matinee. Come dance and get day drunk with us 4pm-7pm. If it's your birthday let us know in advance and we can arrange to have cake. Chiefy and Mister Conductor are always looking for reasons to have cake at a show ;-)

Both Shows will be a pass the hat situation so come on out and party with us!

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